- Reflexology of the foot
- Manual lymph drainage
- Functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system
- Manual therapy according to Prof. Dr. med. Lewit
- Physiotherapy according to the method Mojzisova
- Form-function facilitation (Hermach-Lewit)
- Basal programs and subprograms in physiotherapy
- Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, Prof.P Kolar
- Clinical gaps in the musculoskeletal system (Prof. Dr. Lewit)
- K-Taping
- Local stability of joints I + II (C. Hamilton)
- Three-dimensional scoliosis therapy according to K.Schroth
- Regular internships in the K.Schroth-Klinik, Bad Sobernheim (Germany)
- Folding creeping / scoliosis therapy according to R. Klapp
- Basal postural programs – neurophysiological physiotherapy according to J. Capova
- Pediatrics: Motor Developement in the first year of life, pathologies and therapeutiv intervention
- Regular participation in quality circles and internal further education in the Scoliosis Therapy Center Vienna
Curriculum Vitae