Physical Therapy

0677 63453394

Monday, Wednesday

  • Dreidimensionale Skoliosetherapie nach K. Schroth
  • Moderne Skoliosetherapie Teil 1
  • Maitland Manuelle Therapie Teil 1
  • Reflexzonentherapie am Fuß
  • Komplexe physikalische Entstauungstherapie/ Manuelle Lymphdrainage
  • Regelmäßige Teilnahme an Qualitätszirkeln und internen Fortbildungen des Skoliose Therapie Zentrums Wien


Since August 2021

freelance work in the Scoliosis Therapy Center

Since 2019

Employment as a physiotherapist in the health-resort Königsberg

2015 - 2021

Employment as a physiotherapist at the Physikalischen Institut Mödling

2018 - 2019

Employment as a physiotherapist at the cardiac rehab Sopron (HU)

2011 - 2014

Employment as a physiotherapist at the Outpatient Clinic Gönc (HU)

2007 - 2011

Bachelor Degree Physiotherapy at the university Debrecen (HU)